The Kwiakah First Nation started the nation's tourism operation in August of 2007. The heart of Kwiakah's territory - the Phillips River watershed - is the place where the connection between the Kwiakah people and the grizzly bear is most evident and the nation has invited the public to share this experience.


The Phillips River Valley is home to more than 20 grizzly bears and the Kwiakah people have built state-of-the-art viewing platforms for visitors to the territory to enjoy the unique experience of being one with nature.

These viewing platforms provide safety not only to the visitors of the territory but also to all the animals, which call this valley home. Leading biologists have praised the Kwiakah people for developing viewing structures that enable visitors to view wildlife without disturbing the animals.

Grizzly Photo Courtesy of Wynne Powell

The Phillips River watershed is also home to Roosevelt Elk, cougar, wolf, bald eagle and to all five species of pacific salmon.

Sonora Resort, the world renowned resort and conference centre on Sonora Island, was chosen by the Kwiakah First Nation as a partner for the tourism operation and together they offer a unique nature experience to tourists from all over the world.The Sonora Resort guides are very experienced and knowledgeable in matters of biology and history of the land and they have worked with Kwiakah members to learn about the nation's rich culture and history.


Visit the Phillips River and help the Kwiakah First Nation to preserve a unique wilderness area close to civilization.

Webdesign by Frank Voelker/ Discovery Island Tourism Inc. - Copyright 2009